Arrested for drunk driving in Kansas (KS)

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ᐅ Search DWI/DUI records and other Criminal - Kansas (KS)

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DUI Arrest Records - Johnson County, Kansas

A (1042 rec) B (2511 rec) C (1968 rec) D (1141 rec) E (580) rec) F (916 rec) G (1351 rec) H (2105 rec) I (129 rec) J (891 rec) K (952 rec) L (1049 rec) M (2754 rec) N (534 rec) O (402 rec) P (1157 rec) Q (60 rec) R (1279 rec) S (2274 rec) T (860 rec) U (62 rec) V (404 rec) W (1410 rec) X (3 rec) Y (148 rec) Z (113 rec)

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Sheriff Johnson CountyCalvin H. Hayden ☏ (913) 715-5800
Address588 E Santa Fe St Ste 2000
State, ZipKS 66061-3448
Haley Nikole Erickson
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 21
Kansas City, Johnson, KS
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Arrested Jan 29, 2017
• #1 driving under influence
• notes: self-cash bond receipt posted-op mun ct-lt johnson
Erickson Haley - Johnson County, KS
Johnny Lee Erickson
Arrest Age 42
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Arrested Sep 15, 2011
• #1 court commitment-dui-state
• notes: no bond
Erickson Johnny - Johnson County, KS
Johnny Lee Erickson
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 41
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Arrested Apr 24, 2011
• #1 driving under influence/3rd of
• notes: sur
Erickson Johnny - Johnson County, KS
Johnny Lee Erickson
Bond: $20000
Arrest Age 50
Kansas City, Johnson, KS
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Arrested Oct 25, 2019
• #1 probation violation
• notes: oc: dui
Erickson Johnny - Johnson County, KS
Kelly Elayne Erickson
Arrest Age 26
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Arrested Jul 06, 2013
• #1 driving while suspended/1st of
Erickson Kelly - Johnson County, KS
Raffaella Sofia Erickson
Bond: $700
Arrest Age 18
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Arrested Feb 25, 2015
• #1 driving under influence
• notes: ca-su
Erickson Raffaella - Johnson County, KS
Troy David Erickson
Bond: $4000
Arrest Age 46
Leawood, Johnson, KS
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Arrested Dec 19, 2016
• #1 disorderly conduct
• notes: dv
• #2 driving under influence
• notes: *fta* cash-$750
Erickson Troy - Johnson County, KS
Simon Richard Eriga
Bond: $1100
Arrest Age 33
Dallas, Johnson, KS
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Arrested Feb 08, 2016
• #1 driving under influence
• notes: 18 hour nta
Eriga Simon - Johnson County, KS
Vernon Leroy Erisman
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 70
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Arrested Aug 22, 2014
• #1 driving under influence
• notes: ca-su
Erisman Vernon - Johnson County, KS
Vernon Leroy Erisman
Arrest Age 71
Rantoul, Johnson, KS
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Arrested Feb 19, 2016
• #1 court commitment-dui-city
Erisman Vernon - Johnson County, KS
Vernon Leroy Erisman
Arrest Age 71
Rantoul, Johnson, KS
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Arrested Feb 26, 2016
• #1 court commitment-dui-city
• notes: oc: dui
Erisman Vernon - Johnson County, KS
Joseph Bernard Ernst
Arrest Age 18
Kansas City, Johnson, KS
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Arrested Dec 28, 2015
• #1 court commitment-dui-city
• notes: self-time served-op mun ct-lt fretz
Ernst Joseph - Johnson County, KS
Bobby Earl Ersery
Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 57
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Arrested Feb 07, 2013
• #1 driving while suspended/1st of
• notes: sur
Bobby Earl Ersery
Bond: $3500
Arrest Age 57
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Arrested Nov 29, 2012
• #1 fugitive
• notes: no bond
• #2 theft
• notes: ca-su
• #3 driving while suspended/1st of
• notes: personal recognizance
• #4 no liability insurance
• #5 driving while suspended/1st of
Ersery Bobby - Johnson County, KS
Lawrence Shalee Ersery
Bond: $350
Arrest Age 32
Kansas City, Johnson, KS
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Arrested May 27, 2019
• #1 driving w/suspended
• notes: **18 hour nta**
Ersery Lawrence - Johnson County, KS
Elgin Dwight Ervin
Bond: $500
Arrest Age 24
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Arrested Jun 06, 2012
• #1 driving while suspended/1st of
• notes: sur
• #2 driving while suspended/1st of
Ervin Elgin - Johnson County, KS
Jeremy Jason Ervin
Arrest Age 46
Kansas City, Johnson, KS
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Arrested Dec 20, 2019
• #1 court commitment-dui-city
Ervin Jeremy - Johnson County, KS
Ryan Joseph Ervin
Bond: $3500
Arrest Age 25
Springfield, Johnson, KS
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Arrested May 09, 2019
• #1 driving under influence/2nd of
• notes: pc warrant***rbu***
Ervin Ryan - Johnson County, KS
Sara Renae Ervin
Arrest Age 24
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Arrested Jun 16, 2011
• #1 court commitment-dui-city
• notes: no bond
Ervin Sara - Johnson County, KS
Cody Michael Ervin-Murphy
Bond: $25000
Arrest Age 18
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Arrested Sep 12, 2013
• #1 aggravated burglary
• notes: ca-su
• #2 driving under influence/1st
Ervin-Murphy Cody - Johnson County, KS
Cody Michael Ervin-Murphy
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 19
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Arrested Jul 12, 2014
• #1 probation violation
• notes: ca-su
• #2 driving under influence
Ervin-Murphy Cody - Johnson County, KS
Brett Mackenzie Erwin
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 23
Lenexa, Johnson, KS
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Arrested Mar 18, 2017
• #1 driving under influence
• notes: self-cash (gps) bond posted-ms mun ct-lt buehler
Erwin Brett - Johnson County, KS
Tiffany Reed Erwin
Bond: $500
Arrest Age 24
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Arrested Jun 08, 2011
• #1 driving while suspended/1st of
• notes: sur
Erwin Tiffany - Johnson County, KS
Carlos Alexander Escalante
Bond: $750
Arrest Age 27
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Arrested Feb 19, 2013
• #1 probation violation
• notes: ca-su
• #2 driving under influence/1st
Escalante Carlos - Johnson County, KS
Carlos Alexander Escalante
Bond: $1500
Arrest Age 29
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Arrested Apr 15, 2015
• #1 registration violation
• notes: ca-su
• #2 driving under influence
Escalante Carlos - Johnson County, KS
Victor Escalante
Bond: $700
Arrest Age 37
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Arrested Jan 29, 2011
• #1 driving under influence/1st
• notes: sur
Escalante Victor - Johnson County, KS
Christina Marie Escareno
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 31
Olathe, Johnson, KS
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Arrested May 06, 2017
• #1 driving under influence
• notes: 18 hr nta
Escareno Christina - Johnson County, KS
Ismael W Escareno-Rodriguez
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 46
Olathe, Johnson, KS
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Arrested Jun 11, 2016
• #1 driving under influence
• notes: 18 hr nta
Escareno-Rodriguez Ismael - Johnson County, KS
Marcus Joseph Escobar
Arrest Age 35
West Des Moines, Johnson, KS
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Arrested Nov 30, 2016
• #1 court commitment-dui-city
• notes: oc: dui
Escobar Marcus - Johnson County, KS
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