Arrested for drunk driving in New Jersey (NJ)

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In New Jersey, a person is guilty of drunk driving if he/she operates a motor vehicle with a Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) of 0.08 percent or greater.
To stop impaired driving and to support victims of this violent crime.

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DUI Arrest Records - Essex County, New Jersey

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Sheriff Essex CountyArmando B. Fontoura ☏ (973) 621-4105
AddressVeterans Courthouse, 50 W Market St Rm 204
State, ZipNJ 07102-1607
Alonzo Bullock
Arrest Age 45
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Arrested Jul 21, 2011
• #1 driving on the revoked list
• #2 driving on the revoked list
Bullock Alonzo - Essex County, NJ
Jackie Bullock
Arrest Age 59
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Arrested Nov 14, 2007
• #1 driving on the revoked list
Bullock Jackie - Essex County, NJ
Jannicia Bullock
Arrest Age 36
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Arrested Jul 13, 2013
• #1 driving on the revoked list
• #2 driving on the revoked list
Bullock Jannicia - Essex County, NJ
Louis Bullock
Arrest Age 41
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Arrested Jun 19, 2018
• #1 driving on the revoked list
Bullock Louis - Essex County, NJ
John Buonopane
Arrest Age 29
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Arrested Jun 16, 2009
• #1 driving on the revoked list
Buonopane John - Essex County, NJ
Jahid Burden
Bond: $1500
Arrest Age 29
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Arrested Jun 14, 2016
• #1 contempt
• #2 contempt
• #3 willful nonsupport
• #4 willful nonsupport
• #5 driving on the revoked list
Burden Jahid - Essex County, NJ
Jahid J Burden
Arrest Age 31
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Arrested Dec 01, 2018
• #1 conspiracy
• #2 conspiracy
• #3 manufacture, dist, dispense
• #4 manufacture, dist, dispense
• #5 contempt
• #6 contempt
• #7 contempt
• #8 driving on the revoked list
• #9 contempt
• #10 contempt
Burden Jahid - Essex County, NJ
Ernest Burgess
Arrest Age 45
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Arrested Sep 12, 2007
• #1 driving on the revoked list
Burgess Ernest - Essex County, NJ
Hassan Burgess
Arrest Age 24
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Arrested Apr 04, 2018
• #1 driving on the revoked list
• #2 driving on the revoked list
Burgess Hassan - Essex County, NJ
Junior Burke
Bond: $7500
Arrest Age 59
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Arrested Aug 24, 2017
• #1 driving on the revoked list
• #2 driving on the revoked list
Burke Junior - Essex County, NJ
Patrick Burke
Arrest Age 37
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Arrested Mar 13, 2006
• #1 driving on the revoked list
Burke Patrick - Essex County, NJ
Patrick Burke
Arrest Age 38
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Arrested Mar 01, 2007
• #1 driving on the revoked list
Burke Patrick - Essex County, NJ
Patrick Burke
Arrest Age 49
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Arrested Jul 26, 2018
• #1 drunk or drugged driver
• #2 drunk or drugged driver
• #3 refuse breath test
• #4 refuse breath test
• #5 driving on the revoked list
Burke Patrick - Essex County, NJ
Russell Burke
Arrest Age 46
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Arrested Oct 27, 2005
• #1 driving on the revoked list
Burke Russell - Essex County, NJ
Antonio Burnett
Arrest Age 41
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Arrested Jun 03, 2008
• #1 driving on the revoked list
Burnett Antonio - Essex County, NJ
Vernon Burnett
Arrest Age 39
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Arrested Sep 24, 2009
• #1 driving on the revoked list
Burnett Vernon - Essex County, NJ
Tracy Burns
Arrest Age 44
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Arrested Sep 30, 2008
• #1 driving on the revoked list
• #2 willful nonsupport
Burns Tracy - Essex County, NJ
Kyiam Burr
Arrest Age 30
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Arrested Nov 27, 2008
• #1 driving on the revoked list
Burr Kyiam - Essex County, NJ
Kyiam Burr
Arrest Age 30
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Arrested Dec 30, 2008
• #1 driving on the revoked list
Burr Kyiam - Essex County, NJ
Trevor Burroughs
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 41
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Arrested Nov 28, 2014
• #1 driving on the revoked list
• #2 driving on the revoked list
Burroughs Trevor - Essex County, NJ
Alexandra Burton
Arrest Age 26
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Arrested Apr 11, 2012
• #1 driving on the revoked list
• #2 driving on the revoked list
• #3 refuse breath test
• #4 drunk or drugged driver
• #5 driving on the revoked list
• #6 parking in no parking zone
• #7 driving on the revoked list
• #8 contempt
Burton Alexandra - Essex County, NJ
Eric Burton
Arrest Age 37
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Arrested Jul 05, 2007
• #1 driving on the revoked list
Burton Eric - Essex County, NJ
Frazier Burton
Arrest Age 34
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Arrested Apr 03, 2010
• #1 driving on the revoked list
Burton Frazier - Essex County, NJ
Frazier Burton
Arrest Age 35
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Arrested Mar 27, 2011
• #1 driving on the revoked list
• #2 driving on the revoked list
• #3 eluding leo-fail to stop
• #4 crim attempt-conduct purposful
• #5 crim attempt-conduct purposful
• #6 burglary tools mfg/poss
• #7 resist arrest-risk to another
• #8 burglary-enter
• #9 b
Burton Frazier - Essex County, NJ
Lindsey Burts
Arrest Age 24
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Arrested Jun 19, 2007
• #1 driving on the revoked list
• #2 open bottle of alcohol in vehicle
• #3 poss mj
• #4 no seat belt8
Burts Lindsey - Essex County, NJ
Delancy Burwell
Bond: $75000
Arrest Age 39
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Arrested Nov 15, 2010
• #1 simple assault
• #2 criminal mischief - loss > $500
• #3 threatens violence
• #4 threatens violence
• #5 threatens violence
• #6 driving on the revoked list
Burwell Delancy - Essex County, NJ
Jon Burwell
Bond: $65000
Arrest Age 30
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Arrested Mar 19, 2010
• #1 certain persons not to have weapons
• #2 firearm reg-knowingly
• #3 driving on the revoked list
Burwell Jon - Essex County, NJ
Uriel Burwell
Arrest Age 35
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Arrested Feb 26, 2008
• #1 driving on the revoked list
• #2 driving on the revoked list
Burwell Uriel - Essex County, NJ
Steven Busgang
Arrest Age 54
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Arrested May 05, 2006
• #1 driving on the revoked list
Busgang Steven - Essex County, NJ
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