Arrested for drunk driving in Ohio (OH)

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The legal limit for DUI in Ohio is 0.08, and if you test over that, you will be charged with OVI. If you test over 0.17 BAC, this is a higher category, and it subjects you to additional mandatory DUI penalties.
To stop impaired driving and to support victims of this violent crime.

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DUI Arrest Records - Guernsey County, Ohio

A (93 rec) B (307 rec) C (191 rec) D (123 rec) E (50 rec) F (97 rec) G (138 rec) H (243 rec) I (13 rec) J (64 rec) K (103 rec) L (168 rec) M (268) rec) N (53 rec) O (36 rec) P (84 rec) Q (1 rec) R (67 rec) S (194 rec) T (113 rec) U (7 rec) V (17 rec) W (161 rec) Y (35 rec) Z (11 rec)

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Sheriff Guernsey CountyJeff Paden ☏ (740) 439-4455
Address601 Southgate Pkwy
State, ZipOH 43725-2967
Michael Anthony Mack
Arrest Age 33
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Arrested Oct 04, 2001
• #1 driving while under the influenc of alcohol/drugs
Mack Michael - Guernsey County, OH
Cheryl Ann Madden
Arrest Age 35
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Arrested Aug 09, 2001
• #1 driving while under the influenc of alcohol/drugs
Madden Cheryl - Guernsey County, OH
Steven M Madsen
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 34
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Arrested Sep 09, 2014
• #1 - driving under suspension/fra
• notes: no 10%
Madsen Steven - Guernsey County, OH
Jeffrey L Mahon
Bond: $1006
Arrest Age 45
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Arrested Jul 21, 2001
• #1 driving while under the influenc of alcohol/drugs
• notes: no 10%
Mahon Jeffrey - Guernsey County, OH
Jenise A Malinak
Arrest Age 19
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Arrested Jan 16, 2008
• #1 driving under suspension/court, compact state, points
Malinak Jenise - Guernsey County, OH
Jay P Malinak
Arrest Age 46
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Arrested Oct 25, 2010
• #1 driving under ovi suspension
Malinak Jay - Guernsey County, OH
Anthony S Marlatt
Bond: $540
Arrest Age 29
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Arrested Sep 16, 2001
• #1 driving under suspension/fra
• notes: no 10%
Marlatt Anthony - Guernsey County, OH
Charles E Marlatt
Arrest Age 34
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Arrested Nov 24, 2009
• #1 failure to comply with order or signal of p.o.
• notes: no 10%
• #2 driving under ovi suspension
• #3 reckless operation
• #4 f.t.a. bench warrant (court order)
• #5 f.t.a. bench warrant
• #6 hold
Marlatt Charles - Guernsey County, OH
Duane Thomas Marlatt
Bond: $580
Arrest Age 55
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Arrested Aug 14, 2019
• #1 - driving under ovi suspension
• notes: no 10%
Marlatt Duane - Guernsey County, OH
John W Marlatt
Arrest Age 50
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Arrested Nov 13, 2001
• #1 driving while under the influenc of alcohol/drugs
• #2 fra
• #3 stopping after an accident involving injury to persons or property
Marlatt John - Guernsey County, OH
John Marlatt
Bond: $2515
Arrest Age 51
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Arrested Jan 24, 2003
• #1 d.u.i. 3rd off.
• notes: no 10%
• #2 drug paraphernalia
• #3 driving under suspension/fra
• #4 no dl
Marlatt John - Guernsey County, OH
John Marlatt
Bond: $2515
Arrest Age 51
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Arrested Jan 26, 2003
• #1 driving while under the influence of alcohol/drugs
• notes: no 10%
• #2 drug paraphernalia
• #3 driving under suspension/fra
• #4 no d.l. or/expired d.l.
Marlatt John - Guernsey County, OH
Kayla C Marlatt
Bond: $565
Arrest Age 29
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Arrested Jan 30, 2016
• #1 - possessing drug abuse instruments ( ie syringes)
• notes: no 10%
• #2 - driving under ovi suspension
• #3 - use of authorized plates
Marlatt Kayla - Guernsey County, OH
Richard M Marrison
Bond: $540
Arrest Age 42
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Arrested Jan 29, 2003
• #1 driving under suspension/fra
• notes: no 10%
Marrison Richard - Guernsey County, OH
Christopher S Martin
Bond: $540
Arrest Age 28
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Arrested Feb 17, 2002
• #1 driving while under the influenc of alcohol/drugs
• notes: no 10%
Martin Christopher - Guernsey County, OH
Cathy Jo Martin
Arrest Age 40
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Arrested Aug 21, 2002
• #1 driving while under the influence of alcohol/drugs
Martin Cathy - Guernsey County, OH
George D Martin
Arrest Age 49
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Arrested Aug 08, 2002
• #1 no d.l. or/expired d.l.
• #2 driving under suspension/fra
Martin George - Guernsey County, OH
James F Martin
Arrest Age 45
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Arrested Nov 13, 2003
• #1 drug paraphernalia
• notes: no 10%
• #2 d.u.i 2nd off
• #3 no dl
• #4 driving under suspension/implied consent or security suspension
• #5 driving under revocation
• #6 driving under suspension/co
Martin James - Guernsey County, OH
Joseph W Martin
Arrest Age 44
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Arrested Aug 21, 2014
• #1 - driving under ovi suspension
• notes: bond not set
Martin Joseph - Guernsey County, OH
Steven D Martin
Bond: $1015
Arrest Age 21
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Arrested Jul 13, 2002
• #1 d.u.i. 2nd off
• notes: no 10%
• #2 driving under suspension/fra
Martin Steven - Guernsey County, OH
Steven D Martin
Arrest Age 21
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Arrested Jan 17, 2003
• #1 driving while under the influenc of alcohol/drugs
Phillip P Mascari
Arrest Age 41
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Arrested Jul 28, 2008
• #1 improperly handling firearms in motor vehicle
• notes: no 10%
• #2 dui
• #3 carrying concealed weapon
• #4 probation violation
Mascari Phillip - Guernsey County, OH
Cora Mason
Arrest Age 30
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Arrested Jan 06, 1995
• #1 dui
Jeffrey Jay Mason
Arrest Age 39
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Arrested Nov 21, 2001
• #1 driving while under the influence of alcohol/drugs/3rd
• notes: no 10%
• #2 bench warrant
Mason Jeffrey - Guernsey County, OH
Jeffrey Jay Mason
Arrest Age 39
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Arrested Dec 25, 2001
• #1 driving while under the influence of alcohol/drugs
Mason Jeffrey - Guernsey County, OH
Jeffrey Jay Mason
Arrest Age 41
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Arrested Oct 05, 2003
• #1 driving while under the influenc of alcohol/drugs
• notes: no 10%
• #2 no dl
• #3 driving under revocation
• #4 driving under revocation
• #5 driving under revocation
Mason Jeffrey - Guernsey County, OH
Kayleigh J Mason
Arrest Age 19
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Arrested Feb 07, 2006
• #1 dui
Mason Kayleigh - Guernsey County, OH
John Massey
Bond: $540
Arrest Age 35
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Arrested Feb 09, 2003
• #1 driving while under the influenc of alcohol/drugs
• notes: no 10%
Massey John - Guernsey County, OH
John Massey
Arrest Age 35
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Arrested Sep 26, 2003
• #1 driving while under the influenc of alcohol/drugs
Massey John - Guernsey County, OH
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