Arrested for drunk driving in Ohio (OH)

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The legal limit for DUI in Ohio is 0.08, and if you test over that, you will be charged with OVI. If you test over 0.17 BAC, this is a higher category, and it subjects you to additional mandatory DUI penalties.
To stop impaired driving and to support victims of this violent crime.

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DUI Arrest Records - Lucas County, Ohio

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Sheriff Lucas CountyJohn Tharp ☏ (419) 213-4900
Address1622 Spielbusch Ave
State, ZipOH 43604-5330
Bruce Andrew Maag
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Arrested Jun 21, 2014
• #1 ability to stop in assured clear distance
• #2 assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to another
• #3 license required;driving without license
• #4 failure to stop after accident on street
• #5 failure to stop afte
Maag Bruce - Lucas County, OH
Craig Michael Mabry
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Arrested Apr 14, 2015
• #1 possession of drugs obtain possess or use a controlled substance
• #2 trafficking;sell/offer controlled subst
• #3 endangering children create substantial risk of
• #4 drug paraphernalia;use, or possess with purpose to use, drug paraphernalia
• #5 l
Mabry Craig - Lucas County, OH
Jack Nathaniel Mac
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Arrested Nov 26, 2014
• #1 failure to comply with order of police officer
• #2 maximum speed limits;assured clear dist
• #3 obstructing official business
• #4 resisting arrest
• #5 use, possession, or sale of drug paraphernalia
• #6 endangering children
• #7 license required dr
Mac Jack - Lucas County, OH
Erich Peter Machuca
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Arrested Sep 30, 2014
• #1 nonsupport of dependants
• #2 telecommunication harassment
• #3 attempt to commit an offense
• #4 license required;driving without license
• #5 operation of vehicle at stop signs
Machuca Erich - Lucas County, OH
Jessica R Maciejewski
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Arrested Mar 04, 2014
• #1 driving while under the influence of alcohol, drugs or a combination of them
Maciejewski Jessica - Lucas County, OH
Jimmy Lee Mack
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Arrested Feb 17, 2014
• #1 license required;driving without license
• #2 failure to display license plates
• #3 seat belt req;operate without
• #4 emerg veh at stop sig/signs;turn movemnt
• #5 operation of vehicle at stop signs
• #6 license required;driving without license
• #7
Mack Jimmy - Lucas County, OH
Jimmy Lee Mack
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Arrested Apr 18, 2014
• #1 obstructing official business
• #2 disorderly conduct while intoxicated engage in conduct that presents risk to person or property
• #3 license required;driving without license
• #4 license plates to be unobstructed
• #5 license required;failure to
Mack Jimmy - Lucas County, OH
Jasminn Nicole Mack
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Arrested May 29, 2014
• #1 failure to display license plates
• #2 license required;driving without license
• #3 display of license plate;when expired
• #4 seat belt req;operate without
• #5 license required;driving without license
• #6 display of license plate;when expired
• #7
Mack Jasminn - Lucas County, OH
Larelle Antonio Mack
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Arrested Apr 17, 2014
• #1 driving upon street lawns or curbs
• #2 failure to display license plates
• #3 seat belt req;occupy as passenger unless wearing
• #4 license required;driving during suspension
• #5 receiving stolen property
Mack Larelle - Lucas County, OH
Lavelle Marquise Mack
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Arrested Dec 27, 2014
• #1 license required;driving without license
• #2 maximum speeds; exceed 20 mph in school zone
• #3 obstructing official business
• #4 resisting arrest;resisting/interfering
• #5 disorderly conduct recklessly by fighting, threatening harm or in violent
Mack Lavelle - Lucas County, OH
Michael L Mack
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Arrested Sep 24, 2014
• #1 nonsupport of dependants any person suspect legally obligated to support
• #2 license required;driving without license
• #3 maximum speeds; exceed 35 mph on through or
• #4 license required;driving without license
• #5 operation of vehicle at stop s
Mack Michael - Lucas County, OH
Michael L Mack
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Arrested May 26, 2015
• #1 license required;driving without license
• #2 maximum speeds; exceed 35 mph on through or state routes within municipality
• #3 license required;driving without license
• #4 operation of vehicle at stop signs
• #5 muffler;vehicle to be equipped with
Mack Michael - Lucas County, OH
Teddy Mack
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Arrested Jun 30, 2014
• #1 improperly handling firearms in a motor vehicle knowingly with prohibited alcohol or substance
• #2 driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs or a combination of them
• #3 firearms in a motor vehicle knowingly transport
Mack Teddy - Lucas County, OH
Takeila Maire Mack
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Arrested Feb 23, 2015
• #1 license required;driving without license
• #2 no proof of financial responsibility
• #3 lighted lights;lights sunset/sunrise
• #4 maximum speeds; exceed 35 mph on through or
• #5 license required;driving without license
• #6 signals before changing c
Mack Takeila - Lucas County, OH
Michael Anthony Macklin
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Arrested Feb 04, 2014
• #1 nonsupport of dependants
• #2 operation of vehicle at stop signs
• #3 rear-view mirror;must be equipped to allow clear and unobstructed view
• #4 display of license;failure to display license when demand is properly made
• #5 two headlights required
Macklin Michael - Lucas County, OH
Mark Macksey
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Arrested Jan 26, 2015
• #1 driving while under the influence of alcohol, drugs or a combination of them
Macksey Mark - Lucas County, OH
Frederick Julius Madave
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Arrested May 08, 2014
• #1 menacing
• #2 domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or household member
• #3 assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt
• #4 disorderly conduct while intoxicated engage in offensive conduct
• #5 licens
Madave Frederick - Lucas County, OH
Michael Allen Madden
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Arrested Jul 17, 2014
• #1 improperly handling firearms in a motor vehicle knowingly transport under the influence
• #2 carrying concealed weapons
• #3 driving physical control under influence
Madden Michael - Lucas County, OH
Edward William Maddox
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Arrested Jun 08, 2015
• #1 license required;driving without license
• #2 overtaking, passing to left of center
Maddox Edward - Lucas County, OH
Orlando Lerell Maddox
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Arrested Oct 05, 2014
• #1 domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or household member
• #2 assault no person shall knowingly cause or attempt
• #3 license required;driving without license
• #4 license required;driving without license
• #
Maddox Orlando - Lucas County, OH
Qwavaughn Maddox
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Arrested Nov 15, 2014
• #1 domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or household member
• #2 burglary occupied structure to commit criminal
• #3 burglary trespass in permanent or temporary habitation of any person when any person present
Maddox Qwavaughn - Lucas County, OH
Sir Edjuan-lee James Maddox
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Arrested May 12, 2014
• #1 license required;driving without license
• #2 failure to display license plates
• #3 license plate illumination;must be legible at distance of fifty(50) feet
• #4 license required;driving without license
• #5 failure to display license plates
• #6 se
Maddox Sir - Lucas County, OH
Sir Edjuan-lee-james Maddox
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Arrested Jan 11, 2015
• #1 license required;driving without license
• #2 misuse of credit card use expired revoked etc
• #3 disorderly conduct recklesslyby making unreasonable noise or offensive utterance, gesture
Maddox Sir - Lucas County, OH
Edward Arnell Madison
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Arrested Mar 15, 2015
• #1 license required driving under suspension without priviliges
• #2 turn and stop signals;turn w/o due care, signal of intention or slow w/o signal
• #3 obedience to traffic control devices;pedestrian,
• #4 walk along highway;sidewalk provided
• #5 ag
Madison Edward - Lucas County, OH
Kristie Lynn Madrid
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Arrested Oct 21, 2014
• #1 license required;driving without license
• #2 lighted lights;lights sunset/sunrise
• #3 license plate illumination;must be legible at distance of fifty(50) feet
• #4 domestic violence knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to family or h
Madrid Kristie - Lucas County, OH
Sean Michael Madson
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Arrested Sep 18, 2014
• #1 license required;driving without license
• #2 traffic ctrl signal;red-stop
• #3 signals before changing course, turning or stopping
• #4 resist arrest;recklessly or by force interfere with
• #5 aggravated assault cause serious physical harm to anoth
Madson Sean - Lucas County, OH
Luis Isidro Magana
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Arrested Feb 11, 2015
• #1 possession of drugs obtain possess or use a controlled substance
• #2 license required;driving without license
• #3 failure to display license plates
• #4 rear-view mirror;must be equipped to allow clear and unobstructed view
• #5 license required;d
Magana Luis - Lucas County, OH
Craig Matthew Magrum
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Arrested Jul 24, 2014
• #1 drug paraphernalia;illegal use or possession
• #2 failure to display license plates
• #3 muffler;vehicle to be equipped with one in good working order and in compliance
• #4 seat belt req;operate without
• #5 driving while under the influence of alc
Magrum Craig - Lucas County, OH
Craig Matthew Magrum
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Arrested Apr 25, 2015
• #1 license required;driving without license
• #2 license required;driving without license
• #3 nonresident;failure to prove license
• #4 license required;driving without license
• #5 failure to use turn signal
• #6 burglary occupied structure to commit
Magrum Craig - Lucas County, OH
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