Arrested for drunk driving in Ohio (OH)

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The legal limit for DUI in Ohio is 0.08, and if you test over that, you will be charged with OVI. If you test over 0.17 BAC, this is a higher category, and it subjects you to additional mandatory DUI penalties.
To stop impaired driving and to support victims of this violent crime.

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DUI Arrest Records - Trumbull County, Ohio

A (132 rec) B (266 rec) C (248 rec) D (180 rec) E (53 rec) F (128 rec) G (138 rec) H (219 rec) I (6 rec) J (108 rec) K (111 rec) L (99 rec) M (309) rec) N (39 rec) O (34 rec) P (160 rec) Q (3 rec) R (144 rec) S (179 rec) T (69 rec) U (4 rec) V (15 rec) W (156 rec) Y (15 rec) Z (11 rec)

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Sheriff Trumbull CountyPaul S. Monroe ☏ (330) 675-2508
Address150 High St NW
State, ZipOH 44481-1003
Christopher Howard Macaluso
Arrest Age 29
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Arrested May 26, 2017
• #1 driving under suspension or license restriction.
• notes: not bondable
• #2 operation of vehicle at stop signs.
Macaluso Christopher - Trumbull County, OH
Nicholas Vladimir Macek
Arrest Age 24
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Arrested Aug 29, 2017
• #1 dui
• notes: out date: 9/3/2017
• #2 attempt to commit an offense
Macek Nicholas - Trumbull County, OH
Rob Roy Macgregor
Arrest Age 50
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Arrested Jun 14, 2018
• #1 driving under suspension or license restriction.
• notes: not bondable
• #2 use of illegal license plates; transfer of registration.
• #3 driving while under the influence
• no
Macgregor Rob - Trumbull County, OH
Charlotte Ann Mack
Arrest Age 38
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Arrested Mar 31, 2016
• #1 driver’s license or commercial driver’s license required.
• notes: not bondable
• #2 driving under suspension or in violation of license restriction
• #3 theft
• notes: b
Mack Charlotte - Trumbull County, OH
Charlotte Ann Mack
Arrest Age 39
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Arrested Jun 15, 2016
• #1 complicity
• notes: not bondable
• #2 driving under suspension or in violation of license restriction
Mack Charlotte - Trumbull County, OH
Charlotte Ann Mack
Arrest Age 41
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Arrested May 11, 2019
• #1 theft
• notes: bond: cash only ($1451)
• #2 driver’s license or commercial driver’s license required.
• notes: bond: concurrent ($0)
• #3 operating a motor vehicle without a valid license
Mack Charlotte - Trumbull County, OH
David Edward Mack
Arrest Age 29
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Arrested Apr 04, 2019
• #1 driving under suspension or license restriction.
• notes: not bondable
• #2 drug paraphernalia.
• #3 seat belt violation
• #4 willful or wanton
Mack David - Trumbull County, OH
Melissa Anna Mack
Arrest Age 32
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Arrested Sep 05, 2019
• #1 receiving stolen property
• notes: bond: surety bond ($5000)
• #2 driving under suspension or in violation of license restriction
• notes: bond: surety bond ($1000)
Mack Melissa - Trumbull County, OH
Donnell Lewis Macklin
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Arrested Jan 20, 2020
• #1 driving under suspension or in violation of license restriction
• notes: bond: 10%, cash or surety ($2500)
• #2 speed limits; school zones; modifications
• notes: bond: 10%, cash or surety ($0)
Macklin Donnell - Trumbull County, OH
Chardasha Symia Magee
Arrest Age 22
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Arrested Sep 23, 2016
• #1 assault.
• notes: bond: cash only ($3979)
• #2 driver’s license or commercial driver’s license required.
• notes: bond: concurrent ($0)
• #3 driving unsafe vehicles.
• notes: bond: concurrent ($
Magee Chardasha - Trumbull County, OH
Chardasha Symia Magee
Arrest Age 23
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Arrested Oct 21, 2017
• #1 assault.
• notes: bond: cash only ($2226)
• #2 driver’s license or commercial driver’s license required.
• notes: bond: cash only ($895)
• #3 driver’s license or commercial driver’s license required.
Magee Chardasha - Trumbull County, OH
Michael Vincent Maguire
Arrest Age 34
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Arrested Oct 05, 2016
• #1 driving under suspension or in violation of license restriction
• notes: bond: 10%, cash or surety ($5000)
Maguire Michael - Trumbull County, OH
Michael Vincent Maguire
Arrest Age 35
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Arrested Aug 13, 2017
• #1 driving under suspension or in violation of license restriction
• notes: bond: 10%, cash or surety ($7500)
Maguire Michael - Trumbull County, OH
Emily Elaine Mahan
Arrest Age 28
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Arrested Apr 26, 2017
• #1 possessing drug abuse instruments.
• notes: not bondable
• #2 possessing drug abuse instruments.
• #3 driving under suspension or in violation of license restriction
Mahan Emily - Trumbull County, OH
Emily Elaine Mahan
Arrest Age 30
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Arrested Dec 26, 2019
• #1 receiving stolen property
• notes: bond: cash or surety ($2500)
• #2 possessing drug abuse instruments.
• notes: bond: concurrent ($0)
• #3 driving under suspension or license restriction.
Mahan Emily - Trumbull County, OH
Patrick Colin Mahan
Arrest Age 62
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Arrested Oct 26, 2017
• #1 driving under suspension or in violation of license restriction
• notes: out date: 10/31/2017
Mahan Patrick - Trumbull County, OH
Patrick Colin Mahan
Arrest Age 62
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Arrested May 04, 2018
• #1 driving under suspension or in violation of license restriction
• notes: bond: surety bond ($1500)
• #2 drug paraphernalia.
• notes: not bondable
Mahan Patrick - Trumbull County, OH
Patrick Colin Mahan
Arrest Age 62
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Arrested Jun 18, 2018
• #1 driving under suspension or license restriction.
• notes: not bondable
Mahan Patrick - Trumbull County, OH
Patrick Colin Mahan
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Arrested Oct 01, 2019
• #1 driving under suspension or license restriction.
• notes: out date: 10/11/2019
• #2 signals before changing course, turning or stopping.
Mahan Patrick - Trumbull County, OH
Sonya L Mahan
Arrest Age 33
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Arrested May 27, 2016
• #1 dui
• notes: bond: 10%, cash or surety ($2500)
Mahan Sonya - Trumbull County, OH
Steven Patrick Mahan
Arrest Age 26
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Arrested Sep 11, 2017
• #1 driving while under the influence
• notes: not bondable
• #2 probation violation
Mahan Steven - Trumbull County, OH
Rhea Marie Maher
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Arrested Dec 17, 2019
• #1 driving under financial responsibility law suspension or cancellation
• notes: not bondable
• #2 furnishing false information
• #3 application and tax payment required; tax prorated whe
Maher Rhea - Trumbull County, OH
Bobby Larue Maiden
Arrest Age 40
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Arrested Nov 09, 2017
• #1 driving under suspension or in violation of license restriction
• notes: not bondable
• #2 driver’s license or commercial driver’s license required.
• #3 possessing drug abuse instruments.
• sta
Maiden Bobby - Trumbull County, OH
Laurie Anne Makris
Arrest Age 39
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Arrested May 30, 2017
• #1 driving under financial responsibility law suspension or cancellation
• notes: bond: 10%, cash or surety ($2500)
Makris Laurie - Trumbull County, OH
Nicholas Clayton Makris
Arrest Age 44
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Arrested Apr 30, 2018
• #1 driving under suspension or in violation of license restriction
• notes: not bondable
• #2 driving under suspension or in violation of license restriction
Makris Nicholas - Trumbull County, OH
Nicholas Clayton Makris
Arrest Age 45
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Arrested Mar 28, 2019
• #1 driving under suspension or in violation of license restriction
• notes: bond: cash or surety ($2000)
• #2 theft
• notes: bond: 10%, cash or surety ($1000)
Makris Nicholas - Trumbull County, OH
Nicholas Clayton Makris
Arrest Age 45
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Arrested May 03, 2019
• #1 driving under suspension or in violation of license restriction
• notes: not bondable
Makris Nicholas - Trumbull County, OH
Adam Joseph Mallog
Arrest Age 36
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Arrested Apr 23, 2017
• #1 driving under suspension or in violation of license restriction
• notes: bond: 10%, cash or surety ($2500)
Mallog Adam - Trumbull County, OH
Antonio Darnell Mallory
Arrest Age 46
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Arrested Oct 11, 2018
• #1 driving under suspension or license restriction.
• notes: not bondable
• #2 obstucting official business
Mallory Antonio - Trumbull County, OH
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