Drunk Driving Arrest

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After the arrest, the officer immediately sends copy of the documents to the DMV. These documents include notice of suspension or revocation form, the driver license and a sworn report.

DMV in a review examines the report, suspension ore revocation order and test results. If the review finds that the suspension or revocation order was right then you face penalties. If they find that the order was issued on no basis they will upheld the order. In case your order was upheld, you can request for a hearing against the suspension or revocation order. You can request the hearing from DMV within 10 days of receipt of the order. In case your order was set aside or upheld, you will be notified in writing.
Drunk Driving Arrest
The officer at the time of arrest may confiscate your driving license. If you are found guilty, then you will get the license back at the end of the suspension or revocation. You have to pay a prescribed fee and file proof of financial responsibility. If you are not found guilty, you will get it back then only.

When you are arrested, you will need to submit a chemical test. This test determines the drug or alcohol in your blood. The results will help in convicting you, if you have more than the BAC (Blood Alcohol Concentration) limit. You can refuse to do it. But that will be costly for you. You may lose your license for 1, 2 or 3 years. It depends on the number of DUI offences you have committed in the last few years.

Drunk driving arrest is a criminal offence. It may lead to criminal records in your name and fine and jail for you. You have some legal rights in case you are arrested for dunk driving.

You will also face administrative penalties in case of drunk driving. In some state you will lose your driving license and instead get a paper license. In some other when you are arrested you will also lose number plate of your vehicle along with you license. You will have to appear before the Traffic department and fight for your license.

You can consult an attorney in case you are arrested for drunk driving. He can help you a lot. The processes are complex and need somebody with expertise to deal with them.

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