Arrested for drunk driving in Missouri (MO)

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Penalties for Drunk Driving in Missouri. A first-time offender faces up to six months in prison and a fine of up to $500.
To stop impaired driving and to support victims of this violent crime.

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DUI Arrest Records - Johnson County, Missouri

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Sheriff Johnson CountyScott Munsterman ☏ (660) 747-6469
Address278 SW 871
State, ZipMO 64019
Caleb Joseph Hartley
Arrest Age 31
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Arrested Dec 31, 1969
• #1 driving while suspended or revoked
• #2 fail to provide proof of insurance
• #3 no plates
• #4 no insurance
• #5 driving while suspended or revoked
• #6 driving while suspended or revoked
• #7 no insurance
• #8 possession of drug paraphernalia
• #9 outs
Hartley Caleb - Johnson County, MO
Tara Aldonna Hartnett
Arrest Age 45
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Arrested Mar 11, 2018
• #1 drugs-possess c/s
• #2 dwi
• #3 operators or chauffers license required
• #4 careless and imprudent driving
Hartnett Tara - Johnson County, MO
Alex David Hartsock
Arrest Age 26
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Arrested Jul 26, 2013
• #1 interfere with an officer
• #2 disorderly conduct
• #3 burg 2nd (no force) resid time unk
• #4 lic- driving while revoked/suspended-1st offense
• #5 unlawful use of weapon (m)
Hartsock Alex - Johnson County, MO
Clarence Eugene Harvey
Arrest Age 24
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Arrested Dec 31, 1969
• #1 careless driving
• #2 dws
Harvey Clarence - Johnson County, MO
Charles R Harvey
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Arrested Jul 30, 2019
• #1 dwi-persistent
• #2 interfering with police
Harvey Charles - Johnson County, MO
Dustin Michael Harvey
Arrest Age 20
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Arrested Dec 31, 1969
• #1 infraction
• #2 infraction
• #3 lic- driving while revoked/suspended-1st offense
• #4 outside warrant
Harvey Dustin - Johnson County, MO
Joshua Jamal Harvey
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Arrested Nov 04, 2019
• #1 drugs-mfg c/s except 35 grams or less marijuana/synthetic cannabinoid
• #2 dwi
• #3 domestic aslt-4th deg - 1st offense
• #4 fugitive from out state (f)
• #5 burg 1st (att) non-res day 6am-6pm
Harvey Joshua - Johnson County, MO
Michael Warren Harvey
Arrest Age 52
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Arrested Dec 22, 2015
• #1 tvb dwi/alcohol chronic offender (f)
• #2 lic- driving while revoked/suspended-1st offense
• #3 tvb-exceed posted speed limit (20 to 25mph)
Harvey Michael - Johnson County, MO
Michael Warren Harvey
Arrest Age 52
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Arrested Jan 28, 2016
• #1 tvb dwi/alcohol chronic offender (f)
• #2 lic- driving while revoked/suspended-1st offense
• #3 tvb-exceed posted speed limit (20 to 25mph)
Michael Warren Harvey
Arrest Age 53
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Arrested Sep 14, 2016
• #1 tvb dwi/alcohol chronic offender (f)
• #2 lic- driving while revoked/suspended-1st offense
• #3 tvb-exceed posted speed limit (20 to 25mph)
Harvey Michael - Johnson County, MO
Todd Allen Harvey
Arrest Age 36
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Arrested Dec 31, 1969
• #1 fta- other lisc plates pro
• #2 fta-no insurance
• #3 fta vision obstructed
• #4 fta-driving while suspended or revoked
Harvey Todd - Johnson County, MO
Terrance Scott Harvey
Arrest Age 34
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Arrested May 20, 2017
• #1 tampering with motor vehicle - 1st degree
• #2 outside agency warrant
• #3 outside agency warrant
• #4 drugs-unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia
• #5 lic- driving while revoked/suspended-1st offense
• #6 fleeing police officer
• #7 careless driv
Harvey Terrance - Johnson County, MO
William Paxton Haskins
Arrest Age 41
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Arrested Sep 02, 2018
• #1 stealing
• #2 endangering the welfare of child
• #3 driving while suspended or revoked
Haskins William - Johnson County, MO
Jordan Lee Haslett
Arrest Age 27
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Arrested Sep 17, 2018
• #1 fta-defective equipment
• #2 fta- no seat belt
• #3 fta- no insurance
• #4 fta-lic- driving while revoked/suspended
• #5 fta-drugs-possess c/s except 35 grams or less marijuana/synthetic cannabinod
• #6 fta-drugs-unlawful possession of drug paraphern
Haslett Jordan - Johnson County, MO
Jared Anthony Haslip
Arrest Age 28
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Arrested Jan 07, 2019
• #1 dwi
Haslip Jared - Johnson County, MO
Gregory Lee Hatcher
Arrest Age 40
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Arrested Aug 20, 2013
• #1 lic- driving while revoked/suspended-1st offense
Jonathan Peter Hatstat
Arrest Age 33
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Arrested Dec 31, 1969
• #1 assault dv injury
• #2 leaving scene of accident over $100
• #3 driving while intoxicated
• #4 leaving scene of accident $100
• #5 fail to provide proof of insurance
• #6 improper registration
• #7 outside agency warrant
Hatstat Jonathan - Johnson County, MO
Amanda Grace Hattem
Arrest Age 21
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Arrested Jan 30, 2018
• #1 driving while intoxicated
• #2 possession of controlled substance
• #3 no plates/expired plates
• #4 basic speed limits
• #5 improper lane use
• #6 fail to yield emergency vehicle
Hattem Amanda - Johnson County, MO
Larry Berard Hatten
Arrest Age 47
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Arrested Dec 31, 1969
• #1 fta // prob viol dwi
• #2 fta// trespass unlawful entry
Hatten Larry - Johnson County, MO
Christopher Lee Haun
Arrest Age 25
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Arrested Dec 31, 1969
• #1 city speed
• #2 city financial responsibility required
• #3 city license driving while suspended/revoked
Haun Christopher - Johnson County, MO
Roger Deforest Haupt
Arrest Age 57
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Arrested Dec 31, 1969
• #1 dwi no insurance
• #2 deceive law enforcment
Haupt Roger - Johnson County, MO
Michael J Hausler
Arrest Age 24
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Arrested May 07, 2013
• #1 tvb dwi/alcohol (m)
• #2 drugs-paraphernalia-use or possess
Hausler Michael - Johnson County, MO
Michael Gene Havener
Arrest Age 34
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Arrested Dec 31, 1969
• #1 dwi
• #2 financial responsibility rquired
Havener Michael - Johnson County, MO
Cameron Roy Havens
Arrest Age 17
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Arrested Dec 31, 1969
• #1 no driver license
• #2 careless and imprudent driving
• #3 minor in possession of tocacco
• #4 disorderly conduct
Havens Cameron - Johnson County, MO
Adward Najeeb Hawatmeh
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Arrested Jul 27, 2019
• #1 driving while revoked
• #2 fail to register vehicle
• #3 fail to provide proof insurance
• #4 fta driving while suspended
• #5 obsturct fta ordinance
Hawatmeh Adward - Johnson County, MO
Brian James Hawes
Arrest Age 32
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Arrested Dec 31, 1969
• #1 tvb dwi/alcohol (m)
Hawes Brian - Johnson County, MO
Gordon E Hawkins
Arrest Age 24
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Arrested May 30, 2013
• #1 lic- driving while revoked/suspended-1st offense
Gordan Eugene Hawkins
Arrest Age 26
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Arrested Jul 07, 2015
• #1 lic- driving while revoked/suspended-1st offense
Sherry Ann Hawkins
Arrest Age 45
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Arrested Oct 16, 2013
• #1 lic- driving while revoked/suspended-1st offense
Hawkins Sherry - Johnson County, MO
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6 thoughts on “Arrested for drunk driving in Missouri (MO)”

  1. Unreal!cops lying ??hmm. How does a blood test lie or breathalyzer, THAT’S how you get your conviction in it all,. And then there’s me, who has lost 2 family members to a drunk driver who was gifted ,7 yrs, she had a license even after being a repeat dui. So ONLY WHEN YOU lose a child, parent,sibling ,or your favorite aunt!!! TO A ignorant HUMAN who really by basic human knowledge (in our society) KNOWS you DON’T DRINK AND DRIVE, even if you THINK your ok “”ohh I’m Oki can see and pay attention”” then you ram a couple on a Harley head on, then you cry cry and say your so sorrryyy , disgusting! apologizing is insulting! it’s OVER AND DONE. You DON’T UNDERSTAND Unless you have sense, or until your in this eternal grieving club of victims of drunk driving murderers. Personally they should not ever get out of prison which means never drive again, cause you know from a early adolescent age that you don’t drink and drive!! Cops can’t fake your forensics. Your moronic to even think it’s possible. With lawyers and physical evidence of your bac.

    • Hey, it’s your niece Kristen- the numbers I had for you don’t work anymore but I need to get ahold of you ASAP… It’s regarding grandma, er, your mom…. You can email me at I don’t feel comfortable putting my phone number on a random site though. Please ASAP. HOPING YOU SEE THIS SOON


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