Arrested for drunk driving in Oklahoma (OK)

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Is DUI a felony in Oklahoma?
DUI is most commonly charged as a misdemeanor in Oklahoma. However, there are circumstances when this already serious charge is elevated to a felony.
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DUI Arrest Records - mcclain County, Oklahoma

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Sheriff McClain CountyDon L. Hewett ☏ (405) 527-2141
Address121 N 2nd Ave Ste 121
State, ZipOK 73080-4249
Heather Kelley Fletcher
Arrest Age 40
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Arrested Jun 17, 2012
• #1 driving under the influence
• #2 transporting open container
• #3 driving under suspension
Fletcher Heather - McClain County, OK
Heather Kelly Fletcher
Arrest Age 42
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Arrested Jun 10, 2014
• #1 dui - liquor or drugs/apcv "applaction to accelera
Fletcher Heather - McClain County, OK
Enrique Martinez Flores
Arrest Age 37
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Arrested Jul 17, 2015
• #1 transporting open container-beer
• #2 driving left of center
• #3 aggrevated d.u.i.
• #4 following too closely
• #5 operating a motor vehicle with a valid license
Jose Alfredo Flores Ramirez
Arrest Age 26
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Arrested Aug 10, 2015
• #1 driving without a license
Brandon Neal Floyd
Arrest Age 28
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Arrested Jan 23, 2014
• #1 posession of a firearm afcf
• #2 eluding a police officer
• #3 umv
• #4 dus
• #5 reckless driving
• #6 possession of cds afcf
• #7 possession of paraphernalia
Floyd Brandon - McClain County, OK
David Joe Fogle
Arrest Age 53
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Arrested Aug 13, 2008
• #1 dui alcohol 2nd or subsequent offense
Fogle David - McClain County, OK
David Joe Fogle
Arrest Age 57
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Arrested Aug 03, 2012
• #1 cm-08-0336, dui
Fogle David - McClain County, OK
Harold Foley
Arrest Age 63
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Arrested Aug 13, 2009
• #1 dui - liquor or drugs/apcv
• #2 toc
• #3 poss of firearm while intoxicated
Foley Harold - McClain County, OK
William Tandy Folsom
Arrest Age 52
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Arrested May 05, 2009
• #1 aggravated dui - liquor
• #2 no insurance
• #3 no seat belt
Folsom William - McClain County, OK
Keith Nelson Foraker
Arrest Age 25
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Arrested Sep 21, 2011
• #1 larceny of oil field equipment(fta)
• #2 driving under suspension(fta)
• #3 obstructing an officer
Foraker Keith - McClain County, OK
Chassy Sky Foster
Arrest Age 18
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Arrested Apr 11, 2009
• #1 possession of paraphernalia
• #2 possession of marijuana
• #3 dui
• #4 transporting open container
• #5 dus
Foster Chassy - McClain County, OK
Cody Wayne Steven Foster
Arrest Age 23
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Arrested Aug 22, 2015
• #1 driving under revocation
• #2 oklahoma county hold
Foster Cody - McClain County, OK
Tyler Garrett Foster
Arrest Age 24
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Arrested Oct 02, 2016
• #1 dui - liquor or drugs/apcv
• #2 toc
• #3 fails to comply with order of law enforcementt off
Foster Tyler - McClain County, OK
Lester Vernal Jr Fowler
Arrest Age 50
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Arrested Mar 09, 2012
• #1 dui
Fowler Lester - McClain County, OK
Jairo Marin Fraire
Arrest Age 23
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Arrested Nov 14, 2009
• #1 dus
• #2 aggravated dui - liquor
Fraire Jairo - McClain County, OK
Perla Yaritsa Fraire-Marin
Arrest Age 23
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Arrested Aug 20, 2016
• #1 dui - liquor or drugs/apcv
Fraire-Marin Perla - McClain County, OK
Edward William Frakes
Arrest Age 54
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Arrested May 05, 2015
• #1 actual physical control - dui
Edward William Frakes
Arrest Age 55
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Arrested May 10, 2016
• #1 dui - liquor or drugs/apcv "fta"
Frakes Edward - McClain County, OK
Brett Michael Francis
Arrest Age 36
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Arrested May 05, 2019
• #1 dui 3rd or subsequent
• #2 toc
• #3 driving left of center
• #4 person involved in personal injury accident w/in influence
Francis Brett - McClain County, OK
Kimberly Ann Franklin
Arrest Age 43
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Arrested Apr 01, 2016
• #1 dui
Franklin Kimberly - McClain County, OK
Jon Vincent Frantz
Arrest Age 55
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Arrested Nov 05, 2013
• #1 dui,leaving the scene of an accident(probation vio
Frantz Jon - McClain County, OK
Angela Yvonne Frazier
Arrest Age 40
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Arrested Jan 19, 2013
• #1 dui - liquor or drugs/apcv
• #2 child endangerment x3
Frazier Angela - McClain County, OK
Angela Yvonne Frazier
Arrest Age 41
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Arrested Jul 26, 2013
• #1 child endangerment by dui
Frazier Angela - McClain County, OK
Dustin Richard Frazier
Arrest Age 31
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Arrested Aug 27, 2011
• #1 dui-drugs
• #2 possession of marijuana
• #3 possession cds
Frazier Dustin - McClain County, OK
Torri Frederick
Arrest Age 44
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Arrested May 22, 2008
• #1 dui - liquor or drugs/apcv
• #2 driving under suspension
• #3 leaving the scene of a property damage accident
• #4 fail to complywith compulsory insurance law
Frederick Torri - McClain County, OK
Derrick Lee Freeman
Arrest Age 37
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Arrested Mar 20, 2009
• #1 no insurance
• #2 possession of paraphernalia
• #3 changing lanes unsafely
• #4 driving under suspension
Freeman Derrick - McClain County, OK
Johnny Lee Freeman
Arrest Age 57
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Arrested Sep 16, 2009
• #1 driving under suspension
• #2 alters title, registration, license plate, or deca
• #3 cleveland county hold
Freeman Johnny - McClain County, OK
William Aaron Frings
Arrest Age 41
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Arrested Feb 14, 2010
• #1 dui
• #2 fail to have driver's license in immediate possess
• #3 failure to stop or yield at stop sign
• #4 poss of paraphernalia
Frings William - McClain County, OK
Jonathon Lee Frisbie
Arrest Age 26
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Arrested May 14, 2015
• #1 aggravated dui - liquor
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5 thoughts on “Arrested for drunk driving in Oklahoma (OK)”

  1. I know this guy and he is a saint I was suffering from sever PTSD and had given up to the point of a suicide attempt he saved my life I wouldn’t even be here today if he didn’t help me


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