Arrested for drunk driving in Oklahoma (OK)

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Is DUI a felony in Oklahoma?
DUI is most commonly charged as a misdemeanor in Oklahoma. However, there are circumstances when this already serious charge is elevated to a felony.
To stop impaired driving and to support victims of this violent crime.
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ᐅ Search DWI/DUI records and other Criminal - Oklahoma (OK)

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DUI Arrest Records - mcclain County, Oklahoma

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Sheriff McClain CountyDon L. Hewett ☏ (405) 527-2141
Address121 N 2nd Ave Ste 121
State, ZipOK 73080-4249
Tyler Kail Phillips
Arrest Age 23
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Arrested Nov 23, 2008
• #1 dwi
Phillips Tyler - McClain County, OK
Jose Guadalupe Picazo
Arrest Age 34
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Arrested Apr 22, 2009
• #1 aggravated dui - liquor
Picazo Jose - McClain County, OK
James Thomas Pickle
Arrest Age 28
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Arrested Oct 23, 2011
• #1 dui - liquor or drugs/apcv
• #2 toc
• #3 distribution cds
• #4 poss paraphernalia
Pickle James - McClain County, OK
Benjamin Piedra
Arrest Age 57
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Arrested Aug 18, 2009
• #1 driving under the influence
• #2 dus
• #3 toc
Piedra Benjamin - McClain County, OK
Ralph James Pierce
Arrest Age 64
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Arrested Jan 04, 2013
• #1 dui
Pierce Ralph - McClain County, OK
Thelma Mae Pierce
Arrest Age 65
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Arrested Aug 10, 2013
• #1 driving under suspension
• #2 operating a vehicle without 2 working head lamps
• #3 failure to carry insurance
• #4 grady county hold
Pierce Thelma - McClain County, OK
Patrick Allen Pierson
Arrest Age 44
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Arrested Oct 05, 2019
• #1 dui
Pierson Patrick - McClain County, OK
Tyler Wade Pingle
Arrest Age 26
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Arrested Nov 02, 2017
• #1 possession of cds second and subsequnt
• #2 possession of drug paraphernalia
• #3 driving without a driver license
• #4 failure of a vehicle to have certian required equi
Pingle Tyler - McClain County, OK
Clovis Wayne Plantz
Arrest Age 55
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Arrested Jul 07, 2013
• #1 dui - liquor or drugs/apcv
Plantz Clovis - McClain County, OK
Sarah Nicole Pledger
Arrest Age 22
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Arrested Oct 24, 2009
• #1 dui
• #2 dus
Pledger Sarah - McClain County, OK
Chase Byron Pletcher
Arrest Age 27
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Arrested Feb 18, 2017
• #1 dui - liquor or drugs/apcv
• #2 transporting open container-beer
Pletcher Chase - McClain County, OK
Lee Alexabder Polk
Arrest Age 38
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Arrested Sep 05, 2015
• #1 false personation
• #2 driving motor vehicle without drivers license
• #3 failure to pay taxes due to state
• #4 failure to carry security verification
Brandon Kyle Polster
Arrest Age 32
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Arrested Jul 07, 2010
• #1 driving under suspension
Casey Lee Pool
Arrest Age 27
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Arrested Aug 24, 2010
• #1 escape from detention
• #2 driving with license cancelled
• #3 bail jumping
Pool Casey - McClain County, OK
Casey Lee Pool
Arrest Age 30
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Arrested Jul 07, 2014
• #1 count
• #1 eluding police officer
• #2 count
• #2 faliure to pay taxes due state
• #3 count
• #3 driving with license cancelled/suspended
• #4 count
• #4 failure to carry security verification
• #5 fines and costs (250.00 cash bond)
Pool Casey - McClain County, OK
Tonyalisa E Poole
Arrest Age 43
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Arrested Jan 03, 2007
• #1 dui (alcohol)
• #2 dus
• #3 failure to signal turn
Poole Tonyalisa - McClain County, OK
Artie Eugene Pope
Arrest Age 20
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Arrested May 18, 2012
• #1 improperly display license plate of a vehicle
• #2 operating a vehicle with out a security verificati
• #3 driving a motor vehicle under susended or revoked
• #4 possession of cds
• #5 cleveland county hold
Pope Artie - McClain County, OK
Heath Allen Pope
Arrest Age 28
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Arrested Feb 07, 2008
• #1 dui
Pope Heath - McClain County, OK
Lionel Charles Pope
Arrest Age 56
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Arrested Apr 30, 2009
• #1 aggrevated dui
• #2 driving under suspension
Pope Lionel - McClain County, OK
David Michael Popowsky
Arrest Age 30
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Arrested Jun 26, 2010
• #1 aggrevated dui
• #2 toc
• #3 dus
• #4 driving veh in manner not reasonable or proper
Popowsky David - McClain County, OK
Shelby James Post
Arrest Age 45
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Arrested May 03, 2013
• #1 assault and battery w/ dangerous weapon (x2)
• #2 aggravated assault and battery upon peace officer
• #3 attempt to elude
• #4 reckless driving
Post Shelby - McClain County, OK
Kenneth William Postlewait
Arrest Age 26
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Arrested Mar 09, 2015
• #1 failure to signal on turning
• #2 driving under suspension
• #3 poss of cds
• #4 oklahoma county hold
Brandon Aaron Potts
Arrest Age 27
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Arrested Aug 05, 2018
• #1 (dui) driving under the influence
Potts Brandon - McClain County, OK
Terry Joe Potts
Arrest Age 22
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Arrested Jul 13, 2008
• #1 dui
Potts Terry - McClain County, OK
Tyler Ray Potts
Arrest Age 20
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Arrested Sep 25, 2010
• #1 failure to wear seat belt
• #2 improper tail lights
• #3 dus
• #4 no insurance
• #5 dui-driver under 21
Potts Tyler - McClain County, OK
Tyler Ray Potts
Arrest Age 20
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Arrested Mar 29, 2011
• #1 dui (motion to accelerate)
Potts Tyler - McClain County, OK
Teddy Joe Potts
Arrest Age 32
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Arrested Nov 11, 2018
• #1 transport open container
• #2 dui - (2nd & sub.)
Potts Teddy - McClain County, OK
Christy Mara Powell
Arrest Age 39
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Arrested Nov 03, 2010
• #1 dui
Powell Christy - McClain County, OK
Christy Mara Powell
Arrest Age 39
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Arrested Dec 18, 2010
• #1 dui - liquor or drugs/apcv
Powell Christy - McClain County, OK
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5 thoughts on “Arrested for drunk driving in Oklahoma (OK)”

  1. I know this guy and he is a saint I was suffering from sever PTSD and had given up to the point of a suicide attempt he saved my life I wouldn’t even be here today if he didn’t help me


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