DUI Records Search | Iowa (IA)

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If you are caught for operating any vehicle while intoxicated, you can be charged with an DUI in the state of Iowa. It is according to the Iowa law that if your blood alcohol concentration is more or equals to 0.08%, you will be arrested.
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ᐅ Search DWI/DUI records and other Criminal - Iowa (IA)

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DUI Arrest Records - CerroGordo County, Iowa

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Mariah Marie Theilen
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 18
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Arrested Feb 19, 2018
• #1 driving while revoked (owi) (ia code)
• notes: cash/surety
Theilen Mariah - CerroGordo County, IA
Pennington Sue Theresa
Bond: $6000
Arrest Age 34
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Arrested Dec 11, 2013
• #1 improper registration plate lamp (ia code)
• notes: ror
• #2 failure to prove sec against liability (non-a
• #3 malicious prosecution
• notes: cash / 10% cash court date: 12
Theresa Pennington - CerroGordo County, IA
Pennington Sue Theresa
Bond: $300
Arrest Age 34
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Arrested Mar 27, 2014
• #1 interference with official acts
• notes: cash/surety
• #2 failure to prove sec against liability (non-a
• #3 driving while license denied-susp-cancelled o
• #4 fail to display registra
Theresa Pennington - CerroGordo County, IA
Pennington Sue Theresa
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 34
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Arrested Nov 26, 2014
• #1 possess and convey contraband
• notes: cash / 10% cash to the clerk / surety / court date 12 05 14 @ 08:30
• #2 possession controlled substance (ia code)
• #3 driving while license denied-susp-can
Theresa Pennington - CerroGordo County, IA
Wickwire Troy Thomas
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 43
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Arrested Nov 24, 2012
• #1 possession controlled substance (ia code)
• notes: cash or surety
• #2 driving while barred (ia code)
• #3 driving while revoked (owi) (ia code)
• #4 driving under revocation -
Thomas Wickwire - CerroGordo County, IA
Wickwire Troy Thomas
Arrest Age 44
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Arrested Oct 29, 2013
• #1 driving while barred (ia code)
• notes: serving 15 days/discharge date:11-12-13. charges run concurrent
• #2 driving while barred (ia code)
• notes: see above charge
Thomas Wickwire - CerroGordo County, IA
Steven John Thome
Arrest Age 46
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Arrested Apr 18, 2016
• #1 driving while barred (ia code)
• notes: serving 7 days / discharge date 04 25 16
Terry Alvin Thompson
Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 55
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Arrested May 30, 2015
• #1 driving while barred (ia code)
• notes: cash/surety
• #2 interference with official acts
Thompson Terry - CerroGordo County, IA
Terry Alvin Thompson
Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 55
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Arrested Jul 01, 2015
• #1 driving while barred (ia code)
• notes: cash or surety
Thompson Terry - CerroGordo County, IA
Terry Alvin Thompson
Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 56
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Arrested Mar 23, 2016
• #1 driving while barred (ia code)
• notes: cash/surety
• #2 possession of drug paraphernalia (ia code)
Todd Eric Thoreson
Arrest Age 46
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Arrested Sep 18, 2015
• #1 interference with official acts
• notes: serving 14 days/discharge date; 10-2-15
• #2 driving while barred (ia code)
• #3 driving while barred (ia code)
Thoreson Todd - CerroGordo County, IA
Ethan Dean Thorngren
Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 24
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Arrested Nov 24, 2015
• #1 driving while barred (ia code)
• notes: cash /surety
Sarah Stephanie Tiedeman
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 35
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Arrested Feb 17, 2016
• #1 driving while revoked (owi) (ia code)
• notes: cash / surety
• #2 driving under suspension (no sr, fail to file
• #3 failure to prove sec against liability (non-a
Tiedeman Sarah - CerroGordo County, IA
Steven David Timmer
Bond: $300
Arrest Age 56
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Arrested Apr 17, 2016
• #1 driving while license denied-susp-cancelled o
• notes: cash/surety
• #2 possession of drug paraphernalia (ia code)
Timmer Steven - CerroGordo County, IA
Bauer Jacob Timothy
Bond: $7000
Arrest Age 24
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Arrested Apr 09, 2013
• #1 m
• notes: cash / 10% cash to the clerk / surety / court date 04 01 13 @ 08:30hrs
• #2 10000.00 0.00
• #3 beier, molly ann
• #4 operating while under the influence 3rd off
Timothy Bauer - CerroGordo County, IA
Cassady Charles Timothy
Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 36
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Arrested Sep 01, 2012
• #1 driving while barred (ia code)
• notes: cash or surety
• #2 dog at large
• notes: time served
• #3 child support
• #4 child support
• notes: serving 50 d
Timothy Cassady - CerroGordo County, IA
Monson Lee Timothy
Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 32
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Arrested Sep 24, 2014
• #1 driving while barred (ia code)
• notes: cash/surety
• #2 failure to prove sec against liability (non-a
• #3 improper use of registration (ia code)
• #4 driving under suspension (no s
Timothy Monson - CerroGordo County, IA
Nelson Paul Timothy
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 35
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Arrested Feb 17, 2014
• #1 driving while revoked (owi) (ia code)
• notes: cash / surety
Timothy Nelson - CerroGordo County, IA
Rucker Lee Timothy
Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 39
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Arrested Dec 25, 2012
• #1 driving under suspension (ia code)
• notes: cash/surety
• #2 fail to carry proof of insurance (ia code)
• notes: cash in defendents name only
• #3 operation without registration (ia code)
• st
Timothy Rucker - CerroGordo County, IA
Rucker Lee Timothy
Bond: $15000
Arrest Age 39
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Arrested Mar 19, 2013
• #1 poss controlled substance w/intent to deli (i
• notes: cash only court date /03 22 13 1100hrs
• #2 driving while barred (ia code)
• notes: cash only
• #3 driving while barred (ia code)
Timothy Rucker - CerroGordo County, IA
Smith Dean Timothy
Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 24
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Arrested Dec 28, 2013
• #1 driving while barred
• notes: cash/surety
• #2 public intoxication (aggravated) (ia code)
• notes: cash only in defendants name only
• #3 violation of no contact order (criminal)
Timothy Smith - CerroGordo County, IA
Smith Dean Timothy
Bond: $7000
Arrest Age 25
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Arrested Aug 05, 2014
• #1 operating while under the influence (ia code)
• notes: cash only in deft's name
• #2 driving while barred (ia code)
• #3 contempt / bep
Timothy Smith - CerroGordo County, IA
Smith Dean Timothy
Bond: $7000
Arrest Age 25
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Arrested Dec 10, 2014
• #1 operating while under the influence (ia code)
• notes: cash in defts name only
• #2 driving while barred (ia code)
Timothy Smith - CerroGordo County, IA
Cookman Michael Todd
Bond: $300
Arrest Age 43
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Arrested Feb 16, 2013
• #1 driving under suspension (ia code)
• notes: cash/surety
Todd Cookman - CerroGordo County, IA
Hambly Levern Todd
Bond: $600
Arrest Age 33
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Arrested Feb 17, 2014
• #1 driving while license denied-susp-cancelled o
• notes: cash only
• #2 eluding law enf. vehicle (ia code)
Todd Hambly - CerroGordo County, IA
Ricke Allan Todd
Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 36
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Arrested Oct 18, 2012
• #1 driving while barred (ia code)
• notes: cash or surety
Todd Ricke - CerroGordo County, IA
Ricke Allan Todd
Arrest Age 36
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Arrested Apr 12, 2013
• #1 driving while barred (ia code)
• notes: serving 30 days, discharge date: 5-6-13, both charges run concurrent
• #2 driving while barred (ia code)
Todd Ricke - CerroGordo County, IA
Thoreson Eric Todd
Arrest Age 44
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Arrested Oct 07, 2013
• #1 violation of no contact order (criminal) (violation date 10 07 13 )
• notes: no bond till seen by mag.
• #2 driving while license denied-susp-cancelled o
• #3 harassment
• #4 violation of no contact
Todd Thoreson - CerroGordo County, IA
Thoreson Eric Todd
Bond: $500
Arrest Age 44
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Arrested Jan 06, 2014
• #1 driving while license denied-susp-cancelled o
• notes: cash only
Todd Thoreson - CerroGordo County, IA
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